January 24, 2010

Handmade Hobart

I decided to pop into The Handmade Hobart Market today and check things out. I was really impressed with the layout and light. The stallholders all had fantastic goods for sale, and I ran into a few familiar faces. One was Narelle from http://www.rubyvictoria.blogspot.com/
who requested that I have a comments feedback on my blog. So Narelle, I will!
Also there was Rosie from http://www.notionshandmade.blogspot.com/ Rosie collects vintage aprons, so I passed on my little red & white checked one that was stashed up in the attic. She also makes some lovely brooches, so I was thrilled when she offered me a brooch in return for the apron. I picked out a cute little green bird, which will be nice for summer or winter.
Edwina from http://littlesnoring.blogspot.com/ had just the thing I needed, a garden kneeling mat.
I also spotted Sophie who sells the most exquisite felt scarves and I spied a nice little clip for some winter scarves from "What Katie did next" so will have a think about what colour I would like and pick one out next time.
The talk of the market was the up and coming
Mathilda's Market in March and the new Barn Market in February.
After that I headed over to Off Centre Gallery to start stacking the shelves with my pieces. Very exciting.
My first day of work is tomorrow. Can't wait.